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Winds of Resistance

Most of you probably know that the word for wind in both Hebrew and Greek can also mean breath or spirit. Jesus and the Apostle Paul both dealt with contrary winds trying to prevent them from getting somewhere for ministry.

Obviously, our enemy has some degree of power to affect the winds. Such was the case when Jesus and the disciples were headed across the lake to Gadara to deliver the Gadarene and also when Brother Paul was on his way to Rome and the ministry he was to have there.

We all encounter contrary winds in our lives as believers. It is obviously part of the Heavenly Father's plans to train and exercise us into becoming Oovercomers.

In Paul's experience, the winds were not taken away. The ship he was in was headed for the rocks and he knew it. It was up to him to seek the Lord about what to do and then to act in faith. The outcome wasn't pretty but all souls were saved after they decided to listen to the prophetic word and obey it.

You might remember also that the Lord would not remove Paul's thorn in the flesh immediately although he prayed three times for deliverance.

There are times when the winds will not heed our rebukes. in times like these we are drawn to seek the Lord earnestly and decide to believe our God always knows what he is doing and that we can trust Him. If we believe and wait, he will never fail us, but it takes such painful experiences for us to know that.

Such is the only official school of the Holy Spirit.

I pray we all pass and maybe go for a doctorate.

[More about this from Sunday's video HERE]

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